
I Leonardo DiCaprio u borbi protiv gradnje mini hidrocentrala u BiH!!!

Vodeće globalne organizacije za očuvanje prirodne sredine podržavaju Koaliciju za zaštitu rijeka BiH, te su uputile hitan poziv Vladi FBiH da trajno zabrani gradnju malih hidroelektrana i zaštiti “posljednje slobodne evropske rijeke“.

Traže da bude hitno proveden zaključak Parlamenta FBiH, usvojen 23. juna ove godine, o potpunoj zabrani izgradnje malih hidroelektrana (MHE) u FBiH, bilo na način da budu izmijenjeni postojeći zakoni ili donošenjem novih koji će spriječiti daljnju nekontrolisanu gradnju.

Upozorili su da će u protivnom nastaviti s ugrožavanjem hiljade kilometara toka divljih rijeka, kvalitete života lokalnih zajednica, prava na pristup pitkoj vodi, turističkog potencijala zemlje, kao i prirode i divljih životinja koje ovise o zdravim vodotocima.

Poznati hollywoodski glumac Leonardo DiCaprio podržao je na svom zvaničnom Facebook profilu borbu protiv gradnje malih hidroelektrana u Bosni i Hercegovini te tim povodom objavio i video:

Keep Bosnia and Herzegovina's Rivers Wild

Let Bosnia and Herzegovina’s wild rivers run free! More than 430 small hydropower plants in the country have either recently been built, are under construction, or are planned—destroying some of Europe’s most intact and biodiverse rivers and the forests around them, and diverting and polluting water. By defending these rivers and the surrounding forests, local communities are defending their families and their homes, in addition to protecting critical nature-based solutions to the climate crisis to the benefit of all life on Earth.Unless the government turns into law a recent resolution to ban small hydropower projects on the country’s rivers, thousands of kilometers of Bosnia and Herzegovina's wild rivers—and the people and wildlife that depend on them—will again be at grave risk. The deadline to implement the resolution, which was in direct response to tremendous local grassroots resistance, is Sept. 23. An international coalition of conservation organizations, including Global Wildlife Conservation, has joined the call by the community activists to fully and permanently ban the devastating construction of small hydropower plants and for the government instead to invest in ecotourism, and solar and wind power. #BiHRunsFree #jaBiHdatecem #SaveTheBlueHeartofEurope #ExtinctionEndsHere

Gepostet von Global Wildlife Conservation am Dienstag, 22. September 2020

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